Medical Services: Digitally upgrade your business at minimal cost!
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InSpeech Medical Services worth from €1,000 to €20,000. You only pay 10% of the voucher value.
Our specialist consultants will guide you through the process of applying & redeeming the voucher.
Step-by-step process implementation
Consulting for the optimal performance of the financing
It participates in the "MμE Digital Tools" program aimed at 100,000 small and very small businesses that will be subsidized with vouchers worth from €1,000 to €20,000, depending on the number of their employees, for the purchase of digital products & services.
Information about the program
Through the action of the "Digital Tools for SMEs" program of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0, small and medium enterprises of up to 250 employees can acquire standardized digital products and services available on the market, to improve and modernize their productive, commercial and administrative operations.
The Program budget (total Public Expenditure) amounts to €180,000,000. The Program is financed by resources of the Recovery and Resilience Fund and will provide checks (vouchers) that will be allocated for the acquisition of new digital products and services.
The subsidy rate amounts to 90% of the actual cost of the supplied digital products and services based on the table below.
Business subsidy table based on the number of employees (EME)
Category | ΕΜΕ | ΕΜΕ |
1 | 0,01 ΕΜΕ < μ ≤ 5 ΕΜΕ 5 ΕΜΕ < μ ≤ 10 ΕΜΕ | €1.000,00 €2.000,00 |
2 | 10 ΕΜΕ < μ ≤18 ΕΜΕ 18 ΕΜΕ < μ ≤ 25 ΕΜΕ | €4.000,00 €6.000,00 |
3 | 25 ΕΜΕ < μ ≤ 32 ΕΜΕ 32 ΕΜΕ < μ ≤ 40 ΕΜΕ | €10.000,00 €12.000,00 |
4 | 40 ΕΜΕ < μ ≤ 50 ΕΜΕ 50 ΕΜΕ < μ ≤ 250 ΕΜΕ | €15.000,00 €20.000,00 |
• Beneficiaries' Funding Applications can be submitted from Wednesday 22 June 2022 until Wednesday 14 September 2022.
• Purchases of digital products and services using the vouchers for category one (1) beneficiaries can be made until Wednesday, November 30, 2022.
• Purchases of digital products and services using the vouchers for the beneficiaries of categories two (2), three (3) and four (4) can be made until Friday, March 31, 2023.